luni, 20 mai 2013

Crepuscul in Masivul Bucegi / Twilight in Bucegi

  M-am hotarat sa scriu din nou cateva cuvinte despre imaginile de pe blog, desi cu ceva timp in urma am renuntat fara un motiv anume, dar de acum se schimba situatia. In general vor fi detalii despre locatii, eventual cum se ajunge in zona, dar si ganduri sau intamplari amuzante sau mai putin. Sa vorbim despre ultima tura atunci.
  A fost o tura solitara in Muntii Bucegi, locatia special aleasa si anume zona Turnurilor Tiganesti. Traseul l-am inceput sambata in jurul orei 14.30 de la Cabana Gura Diham (multumesc fratelui ptr. transport) de pe Valea Cerbului Busteni, setat sa ajung la Refugiul Saua Tiganesti. 

 I decided to write again a few words about the images on the blog, although some time ago I gave up without a reason, but now the situation is changing. Generally will be details about locations, possibly how to get to the area, but thoughts or funny stories or less. Let's talk about the last lap then.

   It was a solitary tour in Bucegi Mountains, namely the particular location chosen Tiganesti Towers. The trail we started on Saturday at around 14.30 in the Cabana Gura Diham (thanks to my brother for transport) on Valea Cerbului Busteni, set to reach Saua Tiganesti Refuge.

 Refugiul Șaua Țigănești la lumina lunii

  Un traseu frumos destul de lung pentru cine nu este antrenat, trece pe la cabana Poiana Izvoarelor, Pichetul Rosu, urmeaza La Prepeleag, o trecere superba pe un traseu inchis pe timp de iarna. Primul popas pentru masa a fost la Cabana Malaiesti unde am oprit cu gandul de amanca o ciorba. Si asta s-a intamplat, am servit o ciorba de fasole cu jumeri de 7 lei, mai buna ca niciodata. Problema este ca nu m-am oprit mai luat si o bere ciucas(bucegi nu avea) si un desert placinta de mere cu ciocolata. Minunat desert, facut in casa, mai tarziu am regretat ca nu mi-am luat unu si petru cina de la refugiu. Surprizele au continuat insa cu apa. Pai bine mai fratilor 5 lei apa? Mai bine mai luam o ciorba si sorbeam doar zeama si tot eram mai castigat...asa e in creierii muntilor, apa se aduce cu spatele! De acum la topit zapada ca dau faliment.
  Dar sa nu uit de ce am plecat din Brasov, pe poteca spre refugiu inainte sa se faca tarziu, sa am ocazia sa prind lumina potrivita pentru peisaj. Prima panta pana in Vf, Pandinii Crucii este destul de abrupta, acum imi pare rau ca m-am ospatat si cu un ciucas...asa e pe munte esti pofticios. Razbat cu bine si de data asta...imi fac si prieteni un cuplu care au inceput traseul din acelasi loc ca si mine Cabana Gura Diham, orasul de provenienta nu mai conteaza, pe munte socializezi foarte usor. Ma hotarasc sa slabesc ritmul si merg impreuna cu ei spre Creasta Tiganesti, schimbam o vorba despre fotografie si ne minunam de peisaje. Voiam si noi o poza cu Lacul Tiganesti dar din pacate nu mai era. de fapt el era dar era sub zapada...v-am zapacit de tot!
  Pentru mine era ultima panta inainte de a ajunge la refugiu, am intrebat si eu colegii de drum:
-Pana unde aveti de gand sa mergeti in seara asta? Am ramas trasnit sa aud ca ei vor sa mearga la Batrana! Fratilor nici  la Omu nu ajunge-ti pana se intuneca ce sa mai vb de Batrana! Aveau cort asa ca totul e bine. Ultima panta pe Tiganesti, urc alert si ii las in urma cu scopul de a merge impreuna si de acesta data pe Varful Scara pentru fotografii in lumina de apus. Vedere refugiului imi da o stare de bine. Imi las rucsacul si iau in schimb unul mai mic de la alt iubitor al muntelui aflat deja la refugiu. Stiam eu ca aici vin doar oamnei cu suflet mare. 
  Am avut clipe frumoase si printre turnuri si pe Vf.Scara. Soarele a intrat destul de rapid printre cativa nori si am avut parte de o pâcla deasa, nu vedeam aproape deloc Piatra Craiului.

  A nice trail long enough for who is not trained, goes to the cottage Poiana Izvoarelor, Pichetul Rosu, next in Prepeleag a beautiful pass on a closed trail in winter. The first stop was for lunch at Cabana Malaiesti where I stopped thinking of a soup. And that happened, I had a bean soup with  7 lei( 1.80 €), better than ever. The problem is that I did not stop there ... I got a beer Ciucas (Bucegi not have) and a dessert apple pie with chocolate. Great dessert, homemade, later I regretted that I never got one for dinner at the shelter. Surprises continued... but with water.. come on brothers 5 lei(1.20 €) water? Better get a soup and sipped juice and all I was just won ... so it is in the mountains, the water brings with sore back! From now on melting snow or go bankrupt.
But to not forget why I left Brasov, on the path to retreat before it was late, I had the opportunity to catch the right light for landscape. The first slope until Vf, Pandina Cross is quite steep, now I'm sorry I dined with a ciucas beer ... in the mountain you're greedy. Thrive well also this time ... I do and a couple friends started the route in the same place as me Cabana Gura Diham, city of origin does not matter, the mountain lovers socialize very easily. I decided to lose the rhythm and go with them to the ridge Tiganesti, change experience about photography and marvel souroundind landscapes. We wanted a picture of Lake Tiganesti but sadly no more there! In fact it was but was under the snow ... I confused You all!
For me it was the last slope before arriving at the shelter, I asked my trek colleagues:-So where you going to stop tonight? I was nutty to hear that they want to go To Batrana Refuge! Brothers You'll not reach summit of Omu until it gets dark what to to speak about Batrana Refuge! They have a tent so it's all good. Last slope to Tiganesti climb fast, I leave them behind in order to go together this time for photos on summit of Scara in light of sunset. Refuge view gives me a good feeling. I leave my backpack and take instead a smaller one from another mountain man already in refuge Tiganesti. I knew coming here will find only great people!

We had some good times through the towers Tiganesti and Vf.Scara. Sun went fairly quickly through a few clouds and we had a thick haze, I could not see almost Piatra Craiului National Park

Vedere de pe Vârful Scara la apus / Sunset view from Summit of Scara

  La coborarea spre refugiu am mai cules patru drumeti care veneau de pe Ciubotea. Deci se inmulteste corul de sforaituri la Refugiu... foarte bine! Oricum dupa o zi ca asta nu cred ca mai aude nimeni nimic.
  A urmat cina facuta la primus, doua supe, si niste taietei, apoi ceva slanina cu salam si rosii, normal
ca nu putea sa lipseasca slanina, desi ar fi mers cu o ceapa rosie, dar sălbatica nu am gasit.Am avut parte si de o gura de "Secarica"de la colegii de suferinta. Nu stiu exact ce a fost dar a fost buna. Imi fac patul, adica scot izoprenul si sacul de dormit si mai ies la o tura de fotografii de noapte, dupa care ma bag la somn in jurul orei 1am.

  The descent towards the refuge I picked four hikers coming from Ciubotea. So multiply chorus of snores at Refuge ... very well! However after a day like this I do not think anyone hears anything.
  I attended the dinner made ​​on primus flame, two soups, and some noodles, then some bacon with sausage and tomatoes, normal could not miss the bacon, although it would have tasted better with a red onion, but no wild onion here! I had a mouthful of Secarica romanian home made spirit from fellow suffering. I do not know exactly what it was but it was good:). I make the bed, self inflating pad and sleeping bag, and get out on a photo tour of the night, then in the sleeping bag at around 1am.

Turnurile Țigănești în lumina apusului / Sunset light on Tiganesti Towers

Trecere printre turnuri / Path between Towers

  Nici nu m-am culcat bine ca a si sunt telefonul sa ma trezeasca. Era 4.45 aveam timp doar sa-mi fac rucsacul si sa ajung pe varf pana iese soarele. Am facut cateva cadre si intre turnuri

 I did not sleep long and my mobile waked me up at 4.45 am I get ready my backpack and reach the summit before the sun comes out. I did some pictures within and between towers 

Rasarit pe Creasta Țigănești / Sunrise between Towers

 Rasaritul m-a gasit sub Varful Scara / Under summit of Scara

Deasupra Crestei Țigănești/ View above Tiganesti
De aici am plecat spre Cabana Omu, respectiv Vârful Omu. Ajuns la cabana primul lucru a fost sa imi fac ceva de mancare si sa fac rost de apa, am topit si fltrat zapada, ma gandesc ca 5 lei o jumatate de litru e exagerat. Dupa care mai fac o serie de fotografii si ma pregatesc de coborare pe Valea Cerbului cu gandul la Caprele Negre. Am inceput coborarea la 10.50 am si am ajuns in Busteni la ora 14.00.     
            Ce zile frumoase!

From here went to Cabana Omu, Omu Peak respectively. Arriving at the cottage Omu first thing was getting myself something to eat and I get some water, I melted snow and get it filtred, I think that 5 lei a pint of water  is exaggerated. Then do a series of photos and get ready to descend onValea Cerbului thinking of chamois. I have started the descent at 10.50 am and arrived in Busteni at 14.00.
What a lovely trek!

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